Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc.

Cases where party is a Patent Asserter

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
# Title Civil Action Venue Filing Date Asserter Categories Patent Asserter Alleged Infringer
1 Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc. v. BOC Group, Inc 3:04-cv-01171 D.Or.
  • 8 Product company

Cases where party is an Alleged Infringer

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
# Title Civil Action Venue Filing Date Asserter Categories Patent Asserter Alleged Infringer
1 ATMI, Inc. et al v. Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc. 3:01-cv-01729 N.D.Cal.
  • 8 Product company
2 ATMI, Inc. et al v. Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc. 3:01-cv-01729 N.D.Cal.
  • 8 Product company